When we take on a new student who wants to learn about real estate investing, the first thing we tell them is that they need to use their minds in order to create an environment for success. Most people don't think of this as a part of real estate investing success - and are reluctant to use their minds to create the right mindset. But we teach them how to do it anyway.
The truth is that mind control is one of the best things you can do to inspire you to success when you first start flipping houses. Most people who want to start flipping houses have no idea how important mind control is when achieving long-lasting real estate investment success.
Three steps for achieving long-lasting real estate investment success:
1. Ask to be successful as a real estate investor
The first step you must do in order to achieve long-lasting success in real estate investing is to think to yourself what it is that you want and let the universe know it.
Write it out on a piece of paper in very clear and explicit language. It's absolutely essential that it's written in the present tense. Start it with" ?I am extremely grateful to make $100,000 per year flipping houses for a living?. Be very clear on what it is that you want. State it positively and specifically so that the universe knows exactly what it is that you desire. If you ordered something on Hammacher Schlemmer, you and continue to click the "order" button until you received it would you? It's not all that complicated. In fact, all you have to do is place the order - the universe will figure out how to deliver that order to you.
2. Behave as if you already received what you've ordered - believe
Believe as if whatever it is that you want you have already received. Now just believe that what you wanted has come to you and all you need to do now is believe that it is already arrived.
When you place an order in the L.L. Bean catalog, you know that the delivery truck will bring whatever it is that you've ordered to you. All you need to do is wait. This is the exact same thing as when you are ordering success as a real estate investor. Simply believe what you have asked for has already arrived in your life and you are now enjoying the benefits. The minute you ask for your order the universe then rearranges itself to bring it to you.
3: Receive real estate investing success
Wake up every morning and feel great about what it is that you want. You actually need to feel exactly the way you would if it were in your life right then. Make a vision in your mind of your success; tell your friends and family about your real estate investment success and feel every day as if that successes already come to you. Visualize real estate investing and the money that comes to you and the fabulous feelings you feel about being so successful. Really feel it.
Not for a second think about how it will actually come to you, this is not your job.When you think about how it will come to you, it creates doubt in your mind.Your job is not ?the how?. The ?how will I achieve success flipping houses? is not your part in the creative process.
Most people who have ever attracted anything great in their lives did not know how they were going to do it?all they knew is that they were going to do it. Many times when we don?t see the things we want right away, or we experience some setbacks, we get frustrated and doubtful. Make sure this does not happen to you, change your thinking immediately if these sorts of feelings start to creep in.
Don't accept this failure viewpoint, simply replace it with positive thinking and an undying faith though what you have ordered will come to you. Simply believe that the success that you have asked for is on its way to you.
Beginning to feel incredible about all this is success ? start feeling the way you would feel once it's already arrived. Simply feel the way that you would feel when it arrives. Envision yourself proudly telling your spouse, your friends your family how successful you become flipping houses. Close your eyes and visualize all this success already coming to you. You need it feel it deep within you. Then wait for it to come to ? all the while pretending and acting as if it's already come.
Ask once. Believe you have received it. Feel good about already receiving it.
And once you draw this, real estate investing success will be yours.
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